Ozone Therapy for Endodontics in Rancho Mirage, CA

One of the areas of concern for our patients in Rancho Mirage, CA is keeping their teeth clean after a root canal procedure. Dr. Halasa and Dr. Hung at Rancho Mirage and Palm Springs Endodontics are endodontists specialists who have been using ozone therapy to disinfect the mouths of our patients. The lack of toxic side effects from ozone therapy makes it a safe option for our patients to enjoy during their treatment.

What Is Ozone Therapy for Endodontics?

One of the main reasons for the success of ozone therapy has been the lack of side effects associated with this type of treatment. At Rancho Mirage and Palm Springs Endodontics, the lack of side effects associated with ozone therapies is one of the reasons why Dr. Halasa and Dr. Hung have been such strong supporters of its use. The use of ozone therapy has become an important aspect of the endodontics sector. The treatment causes no allergic reactions because it is a naturally occurring byproduct of oxygen. It is often called oxygen/ozone therapy.

The Benefits of Ozone Therapy for Endodontics

There are several benefits of ozone therapy as used by Dr. Halasa and Dr. Hung. The benefits include:

  • Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral benefits
  • Wound healing
  • Pain relief

Protecting our patients from the problems associated with bacterial and final infections is vital to safeguarding their gums after treatment. The healing process is important and begins as soon as the treatment is completed. Dr. Halasa and Dr. Hung believe the increased blood flow associated with ozone therapy can make your gums heal faster after your endodontics treatments are complete.

How Does Ozone Therapy for Endodontics Work?

Ozone is created from oxygen as the gas trioxygen. The gas works well in water and on hard surfaces as well as on the gums and soft tissue. Inhaling ozone allows our patients at Rancho Mirage and Palm Springs Endodontics to feel less pain and receive several benefits. One of the positive reasons for using ozone therapy is the development of stronger tooth enamel.

Can I Be Allergic to Ozone Therapy for Endodontics?

Nobody can be allergic to ozone because it occurs naturally in the air. Dr. Halasa and Dr. Hung explain to patients that ozone occurs in our atmosphere and turns our sky its beautiful blue color.

If you are ready to learn more about ozone therapy call our office to learn more about its use.